Hire Us to Protect Concrete Driveways

CONCRETEThe best way to protect concrete driveways and parking lots in Long Island is to retain our services. TheDriveway Guys of Long Island have the expertise and knowledge to apply a protective sealcoat over the concrete surface. Our years of experience in this field ensure that we have the right product to meet your specific requirements. For instance, we will apply a quick drying sealcoat if you need the surface to be usable within four hours or a longer drying product that is appropriate for areas that see a lot of use.

Comprehensive Concrete Driveway Care

Our service provides comprehensive concrete driveway care. We first examine every inch of the driveway and parking lot surface and make a note of cracks, pot holes, and oil or grease stains. We first clean the concrete surface of the grease and oil stains as this can prevent a proper adhesion of the sealcoat to the surface. Once the driveway is cleaned, we seal the cracks and fill the pot holes using the best solutions possible. We reseal cracks and refill potholes until the concreteparking lot is smooth, level, and clean. We apply the sealcoat only after we are sure that the sealcoat will adhere strongly to the concrete surface.

Long-Term Solution

Our concretesealing service is a long-term solution to protect your concretedriveway and parking lot from being damaged by the extreme weather conditions that prevail in Long Island. The sealcoat we apply will provide protection against the elements – snow, sun, and rain.

Call 631-855-5272 now to obtain protection for your concrete parking lot and driveway instead of waiting for the next hot day, tropical storm, or snowfall to set your driveway or parking lot status back even further. Concrete is tough but everything we make or build needs support.